
bloc100 allumettes

I like this product. It is very creative to make matches like this.


Jean-Paul Gaultier Evian Collection by Baccarat

Jean-Paul Gaultier Evian Collection

Evian water is the most expensive water in the world. It always use a very well packaging design to package it's product. Jean Paul X Evian. I think it is a great crossover after I saw the beautiful bottles as above.

Package Web Site - thedieline.com

Here is a very useful website of packaging design. www.thedieline.com

Established in 2007 by Andrew Gibbs, The Dieline is dedicated to the progress of the package design industry and its practitioners, students and enthusiasts. Its purpose is to define and promote the world’s best examples of packaging, and provide a place where the package design community can review, critique and stay informed of the latest industry trends and design projects being created in the field.


Disney Parks in French

Disney Parks in French

Last year Disney Park in French celebrate its anniversary . It invites many Hollywood stars to react the fairy tale of disneyland. The print ad above - Cinderalla is my favourite.

D&G New Print Ad

This is a good photo. Although I can't understand the concept behind the photo, I am attracted by it.


Long's Horseradish by the students of Columbus College of Art & Design

Student Spotlight: Natalie Tornabene, Beth Placko and Anh Vu.

These three senior Advertising and Graphic Design students at the Columbus College of Art & Design sent us this Long's Horseradish re-branding they did for the One Show competition. I think they done a good job, but I didn't. I feel little guilty on it.


The print ad of muji are always have a specific style. This stable image is a valuable gift for the brand. This style is deeply impressive and attract a group of stable customers.


WWF - Don't buy exotic animal souvenirs

The red blood in the photos is very impress. It is clearly and directly to present the message of this print ad. Social issue can become creative as this print ad.

Heineken always have many creative advertisement. This one is also. White background, simple and clear. The bottle looks funny.

Age of New media - web 3.0

As the fast development of the web media, people pay more and more time on onlining instead of watching TV, exspecially the teenagers and working people. Web sites, online games, social games and animation becoming the popular advertising media in the coming century, rather than the traditional media, such as print ad and TVC.

The information spreading rate is very high in the world of internet. We can promote the brand in different ways though the internet. Interact with target audiences and share with tones of people thought the network are the most important advertangers.

In the below blog post, we can see that web advertisements will beome the main trend of advertising industry. It is an effective way with low production cost.


Yahoo! emotive brand award

Yahoo! emotive brand award

Every media, such as TVB, Yahoo!HK, Metro Daily...hold the advertising award in every years. These are commerical campagin, but it is a good chance for us to pay attention to the advertisements in HK. See which advertising company and advertisements get good result in each year.

Wellcome Supermarket tvc

[慳得一蚊得一蚊] this sentence repeated and repeated in the tvc. I am not so interested in this commerical. But it is really catch the thought of the housewifes. Price reduce is much attractive than other promotion gimmick, such as discount, prize stamp and marks saving etc...

The thing I have leant from it is try to thinking what the target audience's thought. If we can carch this point, the advertisement is nearly success.

We have done the project of extending the market of yakult before. The new tvc of Yakult are publized. They are used to celebrate the anniversary. So the tvc are creative, no target and entertaining.


Platinum - Ice fire


The quality of these illustrations are very high. It proved that a good photo or picture are enough to attractive people.


This article is copy from "廣告101‧Be Always Convinced!" blog. I think it is useful and we should know those things.

  • 2009-03-29

    廣告人除了要與大家熟悉的media、導演、攝影師等人合作外,其實還有很多機會與其他類似廣告公司向marketing客戶提供服務的公司合作,尤其是account servicing,會有很多機會與他們碰面。有興趣做marketing的朋友,當然要認識這些公司,其實即使只想做廣告的朋友,也不能對這些公司全無認識。以下是一些簡介資料:I. 公關公司(PR agency)公關公司(PR Agency)最主要的工作是應付媒介記者。她們協助客戶向記者發放有關產品或服務的宣傳訊息。她們清楚大眾傳媒對什麼東西感興趣,因而會建議客戶以不同的角度去帶出有關訊息並且製作不同類型的活動如記者招待會,傳媒茶聚,產品發布會等,冀能吸引傳媒的注意而作出對產品有正面幫助的報道。除此以外,公關公司還會協助客戶建立和保持公司的形象,包括提供危機處理的服務。部分公司會自設公關部,marketing人能直接與她們合作,配合推廣。亦有些公司雖然自設公關部,但仍會聘用公關公司提供製作大型宣傳活動或專業危機管理等服務。事實上,香港有些公司會合併公關部及市務部為統一的部門,為了更有效達到協同效應。有些4As廣告公司也有PR department,就如media一樣,獨立運作,但緊密聯繫。II. 產品包裝設計公司 (pack design company)產品的包裝設計是另一門很深入的課題,很多沒有做廣告的產品都是以出色的包裝設計突圍而出,佔有不錯的市場份額。在顧及客戶total experience的情況下,很多品牌都放了不少工夫在包裝設計上,希望既能在顧客心中留下良好的first impression,又能透過設計帶出品牌的訊息和性格。尤其是一些競爭激烈的產品,為了在零售地方吸引顧客,而且配合貨品在架上的排列狀況,往往產品設計會兼顧貨品上架後的視覺效果,例如可口可樂和百事可樂,一罐罐鋪滿貨架的可樂,在超市內就是一幅最有效的廣告。這種視覺效果在外國的大型超級市場便更加顯著。由於包裝設計在塑造品牌形象方面的重要性越來越高,所以很多專門設計產品包裝的公司亦加入了品牌策略的服務。同樣地,很多品牌顧問公司亦會提供產品包裝設計的服務。日本的產品包裝設計十分出色,由於文化相近,所以為香港提供了很多產品設計的參考。III. 市場調查公司 (research house)市場調查公司(research house)能為客戶提供獨立、可信、客觀的調查數據,以了解顧客所需,從而製訂有效的市場推廣策略。客戶亦可透過獨立的市場調查公司提供研究市場推廣活動推出後的反應的數據,如品牌認知度,品牌形象等,好讓有關宣傳活動能作適當的調整,或為下次推廣活動提供更多市場資訊。部分推廣更會借用這些獨立市場調查公司的數據作宣傳賣點,在廣告及公關活動上大肆宣揚,以收宣傳效果。有些時候在報章上看到的一些調查報告,除了那些由大學研究所負責以外,都是由這些知名度高和具公信力的市場調查公司發布,最常見的例子便是電視台的收視報告和產品的銷量排名。IV. 顧客關係管理公司 (CRM agency)近年被受關注的CRM (customer relationship management),由於涉及複雜的資料庫管理、策略和應用的範疇,所以市場亦有專門為客供CRM服務的公司。除了少數客戶(例如銀行、保險等)能自建團隊策劃及推行CRM,其餘大部分客戶都會找CRM agency負責策劃及運作所需的CRM program。由於香港的市場不大,CRM的發展未如外國,甚至中國內地成熟。最常見的CRM項目都是一些會員制度或積分優惠計劃,香港的八達通日日賞計劃算是規模較龐大的項目,但由於卡公司的身份和參與商戶的反應,暫時除了獎賞項目,還未見到推出較有深度的CRM項目,例如發邀請信予指定顧客,為顧客提供度身設計的優惠,甚至進行連鎖推銷等計劃。反而,一些超級市場和電訊公司就更能利用客戶的消費記錄和個人資料,提供更切身的資訊和優惠。




“Explore. Just protect yourself.”

Agency: TBWA\Paris, France Executive
Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Creative Directors: Erik Vervroegen, Michel De Lauw
Copywriter: Xander Smith
Art Director: Jonathan Santana
Illustrator: James Jean
Account Supervisors: Anne Vincent, Veronique Fourniotakis
Point of view: The graphic of this print ad is fantastic but terrible. The idea is interesting too. But such kinds of print ad is difficult to show out in Hong Kong. We need to care about the culture of the area which the ad shows there. Otherwise, the advertisement will be critize by the society.


Advertisements Monitoring Service

Advertisements Monitoring Service

This kind of advertisements monitoring service is very useful for us. We should have a bank to save all advertisements reference. But they all need to pay for them.



Point of View: Coca Cola use a new image to re-package the lemon coke. It uses a special name"龍鳳檸樂" and the artists to create gimmick. It states as a "茶餐廳" drink. I think it is a sucess selling point. It shows that some products need to change after a period of time. Otherwise, the product will become out trend.


McDonalds - Open Late

Agency: DDB, Sydney

Executive Creative Director: Matt Eastwood

Copywriter: Alex Stainton

Art Director: Jakub Szymanski

Photographer: Christian Mushenko

Typographers: Jason Young, Erwin Santoso
This bilboard looks good. But I can't find that it is related to the concept "open late".

McDonald Outdoor Bilboard

An interesting outdoor bilboard is always attractive and more effective to catch people eyes. A good bilboard is better than put some unimpactive print ads in the public place,

What is outdoor media?

These picture are useful and inspire me to think more about outdoor media, not only traditional media can spread the message widely.

McDonald - Fish-O-Fillet

McDonald - Fish-O-Fillet

NAME: Colin Murphy

DISCIPLINE: Art Director

SCHOOL: Syracuse University

CITY: Syracuse, NY
This print ad look likes interesting. It is using the logo to make it some special. However, play more time to watch this print ad and I think that it is quite boring. Red background and yellow logo. We have seen this many times already.


Puma - Jump

Puma - Jump

These print ad are clear and directly to show the message. The concept is nice. But I think that the photo graphic can be better. Now it like not enough to catch people eyes.


Seiko - Wake up in the morning

Advertising Agency: BBDO Bangkok, Thailand

Creative Directors: Suthisak Sucharittanonta, Subun Khow

Art Director: Badin Limapornvanich

Copywriter: Nucharat Nantananonchai

Illustrator: Omni VisionPhotographer: Corbis, Omni Vision
Point of view: The shot is beautiful. But I am not sure what the concept is talking aout.


Tippex - remover of error

This campaign for Tippex, the all-powerful remover of error, poses the question “What if Tippex could work for every mistake we made? Advertising Agency: The Jupiter Drawing Room, Cape Town, South Africa Executive Creative Director: Graham Victor Warsop Creative Director: Tom Cullinan Art Director: Dana Cohen Copywriter: Shane Durrant Photographer: Michael Meyersfeld Illustrator: Wayne Troskie
Point of view: It is a clear story. I like this humor method. It give a nice image for the product.


tvc by marketing students

IMC project 林嘉欣X Johnsons' baby cream TV Commercial

Here is the tvc which make by my friends and her schoolmates. I have asked my friend's allowance to post thiss video on here. My friends is studying BA of marketing in CU. I had little surprise to see that creative video. It shows that the people who haven't study design can make creative work. So my dear classmates, we need to work hard.


IG Parental Control

IG Parental Control

Children can learn many things on the Internet.
IG Parental Control.
Make the Internet a safe place.

Advertising Agency: Neogama/BBH, São Paulo, BrazilExecutive
Creative Director: Alexandre Gama
Creative Directors: Márcio Ribas, Wilson Mateos
Art Director: Daniel Prado
Copywriter: Patricia Leme
Photographer: Gustavo Lacerda
Digital Retouch: Alessandra Perez
Modelmaker: Zsa-Zsa Fantini

Point of View: I used ome time to understand this concept. Beacuse the toys make me little bit confuse. It likes the animals are going to put on their clothes. however, I think this concept will make the parents afraid and increase their purchasing desire.

Tough, brave and revolt are always the image of Tough Jeans. The case of "Stars' porn photos" create a big noise in the society. Gillian Chung standed out after a period of time from this case. She used "tough" as her image which match the image of Tough Jeans. Tough Jeans used her to be the spokeperson can brings out a big feedback. I think that good impacts are more than bad impacts.


It is the hat.

It is thte hat.

Left is Hitler. Right is Charlie Chaplin. Can you see the difference? :P

Yayoi Kusama X Coca Cola - Coca Cola No Reason Art Project 2001

Yayoi Kusama - Coca Cola No Reason Art Project 2001

Japanse super artist Yayoi Kusama

“Polka dots, the trademark of Kusama happening”. Red, green and yellow polka dots can be the circles representing the earth, the sun, or the moon. Their shapes and what they signify do not really matter.

Last time I saw her exhibition at Harbour City. I really surprised with her creative, funky, powerful design. She used the basic visual element - dot to creative many art. She have used this style for many years. Even she is an elderly now, she is still very creative.

Back to the Yayoi Kusama X Coca Cola No Reason Art Project 2001. I think that it is a good cross over between commerical and art. The color of Coca Cola, red and white are well used on Kusama's design. Both of them are very famous brand. It is benefit for both as they coropate together.