鄧卓越(DOROPHY TANG),香港土生土長產品設計師兼插畫師,先後於香港理工大學設計系完成設計文憑和產品設計榮譽學士課程。07年9月獲邀參加「100% DESIGN LONDON」,其畢業作品「COCOON STOOL」敲問環境污染和普遍設計質量下降的原因,在展覽中成為話題作品。每期為《MILK新潮流雙周刊》專欄所創作的《SHOPPING BABY》角色以誇張手法來說明現今人們對潮流的態度,已經演變成反映條件,活脫脫是未有思考能力的嬰兒竟然會對潮流消費產生極大渴望的詭異。近期的創作包括2008北京奧運紀念銅幣設計;2008北京傷殘奧運吉祥物的包裝及展架設計;監修HELLO KITTY COSMETICS的設計和國內發展創意提案;ADIDAS的collabo計劃。
I am very pound of her. She is just 24 years old. But she has many big jobs on hands. After Stella So, she proved that Chinese style painting has a large area of development. Outside the mainland China, foreign people are interested on it.
Besides, she studied product design at polyu before. But she can make these great illustrastions. This also shows that design is connective to every types of design, whatever advertising, graphic, products or packaging...